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Mungai Gathogo, 26, and Joseph Muhinja, 35, hospital beds innovators boosted by President Uhuru Kenyatta

PDU sent by president to procure locally made beds. FILE
PDU sent by president to procure locally made beds. FILE

President Uhuru Kenya orders hospital beds made local to the national hospitals.

The President says that from this year, the government will be procuring locally made products to boost the economy of the young people who are innovators.

President Kenyatta has given a major boost to two youthful innovators behind locally manufactured hospital beds by instructing the Government to immediately procure 500 beds.

The beds are an innovation by 26-year-old Mungai Gathogo and Joseph Muhinja, 35.

President Kenyatta today dispatched PDU Secretary Andrew Wakahiu
and Kiambu County Commissioner Wilson Wanyanga to Githunguri to assess the beds and convey the Government’s decision.

Mr Wakahiu said the Government, through the Numerical Machining Complex, will also help the young entrepreneurs and other innovators with technical skills and equipment to hasten production and improve quality. 

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