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Over 15,000 learners from Rural and low internet connection areas to get printed learning materials

Prudential Kenya Chief Executive Officer Raxit Soni and Kenya Education Fund (KEF) Country Director Dominic Muasya
Prudential Kenya Chief Executive Officer Raxit Soni and Kenya Education Fund (KEF) Country Director Dominic Muasya. PHOTO | STAR

Remote, rural and low internet connection penetration areas are set to receive printed learning material for over 15,000 secondary students.

The move will help them bridge the gap with other learners currently obtaining virtual learning distributed through radio, television and online.

Currently, it is estimated that 8 in every 10 learners are missing out on virtual learning.

Usawa Agenda organisation says most affected are those in poor, remote and rural communities that lack the modern base to support e-learning.

Prudential Life Assurance Kenya and Kenya Education Fund (KEF) initiative aim at boosting education outcomes for students who do not have access to online learning.

“This project aims to bridge this learning divide by enabling learners from vulnerable communities to continue learning even as schools remain closed due to Covid-19,” Prudential Life Assurance Kenya CEO Raxit Soni said.

The beneficiaries will collect the printed learning materials that will be distributed through their respective schools.

About 11,250 students in Forms 1, 2 and 3 will receive reading and purely revision kits based on the secondary school curriculum learning materials.

Currently, many students, especially from rural and underprivileged communities, are unable to access online learning materials due to lack of internet connectivity.

Mr Soni said the initiative targets learners from financially disadvantaged families unable to benefit from virtual learning.

Prudential Insurance has set aside Sh9.3 million for the project that also aims to provide 4,000 female students with sanitary pads.

Usually, female students in such communities access sanitary pads at school but with learning institutions shut, they are exposed to unhygienic practices and social stigma.

 “The beneficiaries of this project hail from some of the most vulnerable communities grappling with the harsh impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on social life. Improving learning outcomes is crucial in ensuring that students in such places are not left behind,” KEF country director Dominic Muasya said.

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