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Uhuru and Ruto divorce widens as Jubilee party turns chaotic over Party Billions

President Uhuru Kenyatta with William Ruto at a past function. PHOTO | STAR
President Uhuru Kenyatta and his deputy William Ruto at a past function. PHOTO | STAR

Jubilee party rift continues to widen as the party Secretary-General and his deputy battles for Billions at the party headquarters.

Secretary-general Raphael Tuju said his deputy Caleb Kositany's letter was “desperate political posturing”.

“I have received your letter in which you demand to be furnished with audited accounts of the Jubilee Party and you have signed off as the deputy secretary-general, " Tuju said.

" What is that I know, you do not know about the party? " Tuju adds.

“All these expose an extreme form of megalomaniac behaviour. Unfortunately, in this office, we do not have the capacity or qualification to deal with such malady," said Tuju.

Kositany is among Ruto's associates only reserved by the President Uhuru Kenyatta sacking wing in the party hierarchy.

Kositany claimed that sometime in 2018 Jubilee withdrew Sh183 million in six months.

He complained that Jubilee is paying rent for the entire eight-storey party headquarters yet it does not occupy all the floors.

According to Kositany, Jubilee county offices are not functional, yet in the party’s financial records they are allocated millions of shillings for rent.

Kositany claims that the party pays Sh67 million rent for the party headquarters, yet space was initially given as a campaign gift.

In his letter, the legislator is demanding a schedule of all county offices paid by the party for the last four financial years, complete with lease agreements.

“We demand the lease or tenancy agreement for the headquarters premises in Pangani interchange and schedule of all paid rent for the financial year 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020,” he stated.

“We demand copies of all expenditure incurred and paid for, for the financial year 2016-2017, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 and 2019-2020. Provide all schedules and sub-schedules thereto.”

Tuju directed his deputy to ask the party treasurer Alfred Kipkorir Mutai.

“In any case, you should be addressing such issues to the office of Alfred Kipkorir Mutai, who is the treasurer and a member of NEC just like you,” he stated.

According to Tuju, the Jubilee books of accounts for three financial years have been given a clean bill of health by the Auditor General.

“Currently, we are only waiting for the certificate from the new Auditor General for the period covering the accounts for 2018-2019,” Tuju stated.

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